Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Studying for the Bar: 17 Truths

I have some friends taking the July Bar exam, and if they are anything like me, they have already started Googling, “Will I pass the Bar exam?” every half hour. I was in the same boat a year ago, and despite my certainty that I, in fact, would NOT pass the Bar, I did, and it was all fine. But for those who are worried, I offer you these words of consolation and advice:

1. The rash that has just shown up on your face and arms? Normal. Don’t count on it going away until August.

2. Your friends who say they are studying 16 hours a day are way above the curve.

3. Normal people study 8 – 12 hours a day. Some less.

4. There will be people who will insist on telling you that they’re “sure it will be fine.” It’s okay to punch them right in the kidneys.

5. Likewise with the fuckwads who took the Bar themselves and claim they barely studied. They are liars AND have poor memories, and frankly, I wouldn’t trust their legal representation.

6. EVERYTHING will seem more interesting than studying. Grouting your tub. Cleaning out the refrigerator. Parenting your children. Watching Larry King reruns. It is all a trap, designed to keep you away from your outlines. Those children will be fine. Let them raise themselves for a while. It’ll toughen them up.

7. You will develop an insane, obsessive-compulsive habit. For me, it was showering 3 to 4 times a day and wearing shorty shorts. For you it might be counting, drumming, walking a certain pattern, eating a certain kind of food, or anything else in a long list of crazy. Just go with it. It will go away after the Bar. Okay, maybe it won’t, but there’s medicine for that.

8. MBEs will make you cry and doubt your self-worth. You WILL do horribly on some or all of your practice sets. Just keep plugging away.

9. An out-of-control Bar Studies instructor will send you increasingly long, manic emails as the time for the Bar draws nearer. Those emails will have titles like, “Courage,” and “Dedication.” Craft interesting cocktails based on those email titles, and drink them.

10. Somebody who took the Bar recently will tell you a story about how, a week before the Bar, they got chicken pox, had a leg traumatically amputated, had a baby, got food poisoning, or was questioned by the government in a dark cell for 72 hours based on a horrible case of mistaken identity, but they STILL TOTALLY ROCKED THE BAR. Cross them off of your Christmas card list. This is not the time for those stories.

11. As the time draws nearer, you will stop Googling, “Will I pass the Bar exam?” and start Googling, “I failed the Bar exam.” Totally normal.

12. Memorize this phrase: “Now is NOT the time to test me, because I WILL freak out on you.” Use it wherever and whenever you want. Seriously. That’s pretty much the way I answered the phone every time my son called me.

13. You will receive offers of kindness. Take them. Somebody wants to go to the grocery store for you? Let them. Make you dinner? Yes. Walk your dog? You bet. Now is the time to be a selfish bastard, not a hero. Make the most of it. You don’t get extra points for being a martyr.

14. You will wonder how many pencils/pens/highlighters/watches, etc. to take into the bar. In fact, you will agonize over it and consult with your friends on the correct number. Answer: all of them. ALL OF THEM. Start packing them now.

15. Close to the Bar, you will create a complicated algorithm that explains who flunks the bar. I think it goes something like this: If 80% of all Bar-takers pass, of the 20% who fail, 5% are hopelessly stupid and can’t even spell their own name right. 5% never wanted to be a lawyer, and self-sabotaged by not studying. 5% fail to manage their time appropriately. 2% have a computer malfunction. 2% freak out or get sick. 1% just make a couple of mistakes and miss it by a few points. You will then try to figure out if you fit into any of those percentages.

16. You WILL consider quitting. You will pray for Ebola or SARS. Sadly, you will not get them.

17. You’ll be okay. No matter what, you really will. I promise.

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At April 3, 2013 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your friend Emily is my god-daughter. This sounds just like her and comments relayed to me by her mother (my lifelong best friend and non-sexual soulmate) while she was studying for the bar at the same time as you. I love your blog and I too judge people by their grammar or lack of it. Can't help it- I'm a bitch in some ways. Bet we'd along swimmingly.

At April 3, 2013 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GET along swimmingly

At April 4, 2013 at 7:07 AM , Blogger koz said...

Any friend of Emily is a friend of mine! Or Godmother. Emily's voice is definitely present in this post. Thanks for reading my blog!

At April 7, 2013 at 10:16 AM , Blogger Emily said...

I remember #15 vividly. I remember thinking we had really cracked some official scientific code with that one. Also, I passed the bar by avoiding green sour patch kids and googling "how dumb can you be and still pass the bar?"

At April 28, 2013 at 10:02 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

I'm bookmarking this post for later, repeated, therapeutic reads during June and July. (And August, September, and part of October.)

At July 1, 2013 at 11:50 AM , Blogger hbbean said...

It's July 1st and Morgan sent me a reminder about various MBE experiences. That sent me running back here for a re-read! I must implement #9 RIGHT NOW. I'd forgotten about #7, but it explains so much. And, I've FULLY adopted #12. Especially useful this morning,when my brother called to ask me if I could take the luggage he stored in my basement to the Greyhound station for him. That did not go so well for him. Thanks for the tips! Bar Takers everywhere, but especially at CULS, thank you!

At July 1, 2013 at 2:30 PM , Blogger koz said...

That MBE practice test sent me into a hive-covered fugue state where I did nothing but mumble and make whining sounds that only a dog could hear for five days. In hindsight, I think a little tequila could have cured it.


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