Election Season
We are about to enter into the political season. And the American people seem to be getting more agitated every day, so I think this one is going to be a real doozy. So, for anyone thinking about participating in political “debate,” I have a few things to say:
First, the “Oh yeah, what about this?” approach is weak. This approach goes something like this. Person one: “Under Barack Obama, all Americans have lost their jobs, or will be losing them in the next 3 minutes.” Person two: “Oh yeah? What about George Bush? Under George Bush, even made-up people like Homer Simpson and Snuffleupagus lost their jobs.” Person one: “Well, at least Barack Obama didn’t have to ask his Daddy to get him out of the Vietnam War.” Person two: “Oh yeah? At least George Bush’s daddy wasn’t a communist/terrorist.” This just becomes a game of increasingly pointless one-upmanship, and only succeeds in making everyone look like first graders.
Second, the delightful hyperbole approach is also weak. Example: “99% of people who voted for Mitt Romney as Governor in Massachusetts had a parent or loved one lose their job based on a ruthless buyout by Bain Capital.” As my friend Emily put it, 38% of all statistics are made up 47% of the time. Exaggeration doesn’t fool anyone.
Third, just because something is your opinion does not make it a fact. Donald Trump said this week, “Most American people don’t believe that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is real.” No, Donald, you choose to believe nonsense. Don’t blame this on the American people.
Next, if you are a racist, just admit it. Just say, “I dislike Barack Obama because I do not like the idea of a black man having power over me. I only believe in racial equality when my race is markedly superior. I do not like being on the losing end. I live in America where it’s okay to be a racist, and I am one.” Just say that. It’s so much more honest than the constant, “I’m not a racist, but has anyone noticed that those blacks get all the welfare and special treatment under Obama?” No, you are a racist AND an idiot. Do not email me about this.
Similarly, if you suffer from religious intolerance, speak up about that as well. Say, “I fear Mormons because I’m afraid of anything that is different from me and I don’t understand Mormon heaven. If a Mormon is President, I might have to accept that different religions are okay, and I’m afraid I won’t get into regular (non-Mormon) heaven if I say that, or at the very least, my friends won’t like me anymore.” Just admit it. Or shut up.
Also, do not get into a debate with someone whose mind you will never change. That person with the Ron Paul 2012 sign in their front yard? They are not coming over to your side. They still believe that Ron Paul has a shot at this thing. You will never change anyone’s mind. Repeat that to yourself. You are wasting air that you could have used to blow up balloons or blow out candles.
Almost last, please do not inflict your crazy on sane people. The candidates all think they are doing the right thing for the American people. Nobody is trying to run the country into the toilet, turn us all into robots, ship all of our jobs and money to China, turn us all into welfare trollers, or allow this to become a country overrun by Mexicans. Nobody is trying to do that, so just pipe the hell down. Stop posting on USAToday.com. Seriously. Stop it.
Last, be gracious. Nothing’s wrong with a tasteful bumper sticker or yard sign. Even a tee-shirt or tote bag is thoroughly acceptable. Hell, adorning your entire body with Mitt Romney paraphernalia is okay. But be respectful. Don’t tell people they’re idiots for supporting someone who’s not your candidate. Don’t bash in their windshield or spit on their child. Don’t tell them that they are certain to DIE if they elect the other guy. I happen to support True American Barack H. Obama, but that doesn’t mean that he’s perfect, or that Startlingly Canadian Looking Mittens Romney would spell disaster for all of us. So let’s all be civil to each other, and support each other. We’re all mostly American, so let’s act like it.