How to Lose Your Woman
Someone posted this article, titled, “How to Lose the Woman
You Love for Good” on Facebook the other day, and it made me want to
vomit. It should be titled, “What
Stereotypical Women Want.” Listen, I
don’t believe that women and men are the exact same thing, but I also don’t
think that women are so fucking simple.
Here are five suggestions from this article, along with some gems in
quotes, along with my response:
1. Stop doing the little things like holding her hand and
looking into her eyes – “Touching her hair, letting distractions pass when
she’s talking, and kissing her goodbye are the golden moments she lingers over
in her mind’s eye when you’re away.”
Golden moments she lingers over?
No. You know, it’s possible that
the golden moments she lingers over are her own successes and accomplishments,
or good conversations or fun times you’ve had together. I’ve never met a woman who said, “Thank God
my man touches my hair, it really lets me know he cares.”
2. Don’t ask her questions or get to know her – “For a short period of time, you might be able to hold
her attention through flattery of her physical appearance, but women are smart
and they’ll eventually sense the emptiness of your connection.” Incorrect. Please flatter my physical appearance a
lot. Also: I know I’m smart, and you
being physically attracted to me does not lessen that. It’s not an either/or. Again, continue with the flattery.
3. Don’t listen to her when
she talks to you or even better yet, interrupt when she’s sharing her heart
with corrections to her thinking and answers for her problems - “Women
solve problems and soothe their own stress by talking to someone that will
listen. If you don’t hear her out, she will talk faster and faster repeating
herself over and over again, getting louder and more emotional until she just
finally stops trying.” Getting louder
and more emotional? Is that, perhaps,
because you’re having a robust dialogue?
As noted above, “women are smart,” and can totally take someone
challenging our thinking. We’re also
smart enough to start a sentence this way, “I just want you to listen here, not
offer suggestions,” if that’s what we want.
As far as this, “soothe their own stress by talking,” that is a gross
supposition to apply that to all women.
You want to know how I soothe my own stress? I hit the fucking treadmill, hard. God.
4. Don’t allow her to feel
safe and relax into your love – “When a woman is falling deeper into love with
you she will push back a bit, test you and question your actions, words and
motives to see if you’re the real deal.”
Barf. Oh, the women, we need to
set up the tests. Because, you know,
we’re women, and we can’t just say what we want or feel. And what does that even mean, “relax into
your love?” You want me to relax? Don’t
be a dick. Period.
5. Don’t make her
special or allow her to relax into knowing she’s your woman – “By
keeping the doorway open to many others through Facebook flirts and cute little
text, you’ll ensure that there’s nothing special between the two of you other
than sex.” Actually, I am a secure
goddamn woman, and I can take it if you want to, you know, have friends who are
women. And I’m also smart enough to know
that a man who’s going to take up with another woman is going to do so whether
I am a loser who doesn’t even want him to so much as text another woman, or I let him do
whatever he wants. And again, what’s
with the “relax into?” Wait, there’s
more: I am my own woman, not anybody else’s.
I don’t need to be labeled as someone else’s belonging to feel okay. Really.
Bottom line: Women are not fragile flowers, constantly in a
state of anxiety, and unable to articulate our actual thoughts and feelings. This
kind of “women are sensitive and mercurial creatures” writing does nothing to
emphasize that women are strong people, capable of managing ourselves and speaking
our minds exactly as well as the boys.
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