Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Big Fat Welfare Check

Lately, there have been a lot of quick polls posted on FB. Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Ohioans: Are you for or against Senate Bill 5? Stuff like that. And then it gives the percentage of people who voted one way or another. One I saw the other day said this, “Should a person have to pass a drug test in order to receive government benefits, such as welfare?” The poll voters, at least at that point, were overwhelmingly voting “Yes.” To me, this says one thing: people on Facebook hate children.

Now first of all, I just want to clarify that hating children is okay in my book. In fact, if there was a poll on Facebook that asked, “Do you hate children?” I might be tempted to answer “yes,” to that one. I like my child (in theory), but I get annoyed with other children. I don’t like it when they whine. When they are in their pre-orthodontia phase, their teeth really freak me out. Teenagers, with their weird obsession with Edward Cullen and their lightening-fast texting skills irritate me, too. But as much as these youngsters bother me, I would never purposely take food out of their mouths, take clothes off of their backs, or prevent a roof from being placed over their heads; but when you state that welfare checks should be prohibited for people who fail drug tests, that’s exactly what you’re saying.

Because here are some true statements: The average welfare check for a family of four is $900 a month, plus food stamps equaling about $500. That works out to a princely salary of $16,800 a year for a family of four, to feed them, clothe them, provide a home for them to live, pay their utilities, and also, pay for necessary things like transportation. Unlike what many talk-show pundits and awesome white people say, this is not a life of luxury, under any stretch of the imagination. Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine the life of a child living in that situation. Do you think it would be difficult? Do you think children deserve to grow up in poverty? I’m just wondering. Because even a child of a parent who is trying his or her hardest to get by, perhaps working in a low-paying job, but doing everything he or she is supposed to do to provide a safe and loving home….even that child has a hard road ahead of him or her. It’s tough to be poor in America.

Now, let’s change that situation a little bit. Instead of having an upstanding parent who just can’t find a good-paying job for whatever reason, let’s make that parent a drug addict. According to the majority of people who answered this Facebook poll question, the children of drug addicted parents who receive welfare checks should be punished. Their parents should NOT receive their gigantic, awesome, spectacular welfare check unless they test clean on a drug test. And if I am assuming the intelligence of Facebook voters who answered “yes” to this question, the Facebook voters are, in fact, totally okay with the children of those dirty drug addicts being tossed out on the street, or without electricity, or without clothing, or whatever other totally luxuries are purchased with a welfare check. Because if the parents can’t get their welfare check, then the kids don’t get it either.

And I know what some of you are thinking to yourself, “Why should we give drug addicts our hard-earned money? Even if they get a welfare check, they won’t put that money to rent, or utilities, or transportation, or clothing for their children.” Here is my question: how many poor, drug addicted welfare recipients do you know? And I’m not talking about the ones that Glenn Beck demonizes on his show, I am talking about personally know. Not heard of, not heard about, not a friend of a friend, not read about. Know. In this country, 4 million people receive welfare checks, and about 37 million receive food stamps. Even if you know one person who went straight from the welfare office to the crack house and smoked his or her entire welfare check, do you know what the other 4 million are doing? And yet you want to sit on FACEBOOK all day, instead of doing something about it, and pass judgment on millions of people you have never met. Well, thank God we live in America, where you have the right to do that. And thank God only poor people are addicted to drugs! Imagine if drug addiction were a real problem that wealthy people suffered from too! That would be horrible, wouldn’t it! Then we might have to start saying, “People who test positive on drug tests should not get a tax refund. Or a driver’s license. Or be allowed to have children. Or walk on public streets.” But since only poor, welfare recipients are addicted to drugs, we don’t have to worry about making any other rules.

And here is the last thing I am going to say to you, those of you who answered “yes” on that dumb Facebook poll: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. We have a choice in this life – to hold tightly to what little we have on this earth, and begrudge others their piece unless they would use it exactly as we demand they do, or to understand that we are all the same, and when you deny others what they would have to live, you deny yourself the opportunity to be a loving, caring, compassionate human being.


At April 10, 2011 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Kim Reisman said...

Excellent rant. Thanks.

At April 10, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Blogger liz said...

Do your next one on throwing away the keys on our prisons! And on that note I think Marion county prison is starting some big drug treatment center\program for prisoners. Maybe you should check the polls on that one!!!

At April 10, 2011 at 6:09 PM , Blogger koz said...

Thanks, Kim!

At April 10, 2011 at 7:41 PM , Anonymous Matt said...

To me it says that if the law were happen to change to require drug testing for welfare receipients, and they failed those tests...THEY don't love their own children. It's a parents reponsibility to provide for their children, not mine. I'm all for helping someone out in a jam, and I'm not opposed to drug treatment help etc. But just throwing out a generalization like that out there is...well..just stupid.

Millions of people have to take drug tests to stay employed, I'm not sure how this is any different to be honest.

At April 10, 2011 at 8:26 PM , Blogger koz said...

Oh my goodness, Matt, this blog wouldn't exist without throwing stupid generalizations out there. It's kind of my bread and butter.

From my perspective, drug addiction is a terrible, nondiscriminatory disease, not a choice. A law of this nature troubles me because 1) it punishes poor people with this disease, but does not seek to punish unpoor with this disease and 2) it assumes that poor people need to be policed, regardless of whether they have/show signs or history of drug addiction. Welfare is just one of many social benefits in this country, and if we are going to put cumbersome prerequisites on access to these benefits, we should put them on public schools, roads, Social Security, Medicare, Pell grants, national parks, and that dumb Smithsonian (I will never forgive you, Air & Space Museum!!!) That would be an administrative nightmare and impossible to reasonably manage. As you suggested, the better course of action is drug treatment and prevention - actually targets helping the problem rather than punishing the offenders. Thanks for your comment!

At April 10, 2011 at 9:25 PM , Anonymous It's me again...did you block me? said...

We'll never see eye to eye on this, you're still blaming 'me' for something that a person chose to do to themselves. Now, people make mistakes and I'm not opposed to helping people dig out of that hole...I've done it in real life. I will always disagree that drug addiction is not a most certainly started as a choice, and a choice can be made to stop.

Cumbersome live in this universe right? That's what life is all about, there are always prerequisites in life and that's part of the problem. I see it at work everyday, 'kids' who start working and think they can and should be the boss from day one...well, they can't and shouldn't..they need to meet prerequisites for advancement and don't like it. The sense of entitlement in this country today is obscene, and just because you apply for welfare doesn't mean you should get it IMHO. There have to be rules, does your household not have prerequisites or tasks that have to be met to succeed? Do you just hand out money to your children whenever they ask without any type of task or prerequisite to getting said money? Why is that different than the topic of this discussion?

At April 11, 2011 at 6:58 AM , Blogger koz said...

Matt, ha ha, I did not block you - I keep the comment section open, but occasionally this site has a mind of its own. You are correct; we are never going to agree. Best wishes to you.

At May 28, 2011 at 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's wrong with drug testing? you have it done to apply for a job and you have it done if you are working already. i just spent the day doing community service "feeding the homeless" and it felt like and sounded like, based on what i saw and heard that many of them were not infact homeless and were receiving government checks. i looked it up to see how much and was surprised to learn that it came to about $9/hr for welfare and food stamps and then on top of that medicare {or whatever it's called, medicaid (?)} they mentioned the food i brought and served to them would be good if they took it home and put it in their microwave. i noticed in the windows in their neighborhood some really big tvs in the living room. yes, the homes weren't in as nice a neighborhoods as where i live, but they also didn't clean up the front yard like i toil over myself. my microwave broke15 months ago and i have not been able to get a new one yet. my tv is old, old, old and only 27 inch. i work. i even have a college degree. i live modestly. these are tough times. my husband has prided himself on being self employed for 25 years and it's harder and harder to get a paying client. we don't ever apply for welfare or food stamps or free or reduced lunches for our children or anything. we pay for our own health insurance since he is self employed. we struggle to pay for taxes which cover these people's welfare checks etc, but we do it. we contribute to society. we don't complain or cheat or steal or take handouts. but i felt like the recipients of this "homeless" food kitchen was more people taking handouts when they were mostly big, healthy people that could be working for as little as I was out there working for. i had mixed feelings. i wish it wasn't this way for me and for them. but it's all messed up.

At July 22, 2011 at 12:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Florida stated that "The law would also require that the Department of Children and Families designate someone as a "protective payee" to receive benefits for parents who fail drug tests." So... How are the kids losing the benefits? They are NOT the drug addicted parent IS.

At July 22, 2011 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous cats with knives said...

My point is that parents who are drug addicted do not necessarily deprive their children of resources just by virtue of being a drug user. Furthermore, this method doesn't test people for alcohol abuse, but there are plenty of people who drink who may deprive their children or not deprive their children. This just seems awfully arbitrary and I think there are plenty of other, more concrete ways to protect and nurture children.

At July 22, 2011 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous etc said...

I came across this site from Google when browsing, you've been indexed congratulations! The main post is really surprising.

I grew up in a family that was on welfare for a short period and lived in a very poor neighborhood. My parents were on welfare for a short time because my dad was an alcoholic and chose not to work. He had plenty of abilities and was intelligent, but decided to take the easy way out. Further, he did jobs on the side and made lots of money in the summer tax free doing freelance HVAC work and not reporting the income.

Further, it's not just the $16,800 you claim welfare recipients get (and I realize this varies state to state). I know many of folks who lie about having no income and also receive section 8 housing and other programs (even free phone service and cell phones).

Section 8 housing is real and a great deal. So are the free cell phones that are handed out to elderly and low income families. Also, the free in home phone is real too. These are benefits you don't seem to take into account.

Further, I work for the government. I take government money and are subjected to random drug testing, why shouldn't a welfare recipient be too? And isn't it better for the children if we identify early on that their mom or dad uses cocaine or some other addictive drug? Aren't there already programs to help children in these types of situations including foster care?

The fact is, it's much better in the long run for the kids if their parent gets help, whether it's a requirement to getting a welfare check or not. Can you imagine having someone so unstable as a drug addict taking care of you? Why do you think such a situation is ok?

So, if we take the situation I think you're getting at... A mother or father in need doesn't take welfare for their children because they fear failing a drug test.

Only a few possible outcomes exist... First, most likely, the parents will lose their children to the foster care system since they can't take care of them and teachers or concerned grand parents turn them in. Another outcome: the parent may clean up their act for the sake of their children and seek help with their addiction so that they can eventually pass the drug test. Lastly, the kids fall through the cracks and don't get help. This would likely happen anyways as the welfare money would have gone to drugs in the first place.

Our system has to be reformed in order for it to be effective and I think mandatory drug testing is a great idea and will help the kids. If a parent fails a drug test, I guarantee a child services person will visit the house a few times and this is what we should want... More outside verification of how the child is being cared for. If a parent can't keep clean, the kids should be removed for their own safety. A lot of crime goes along with addiction whether you want to admit it or not...

At July 24, 2011 at 6:31 PM , Anonymous cats with knives said...

I don't disagree with anything you say as far as taking care of children; however, using your rationale, ALL parents should be drug-tested, not just those on welfare. By ONLY testing welfare parents, we are somehow saying that poor parents on drugs are worse than wealthy parents on drugs. Why not use the considerable resources to administer this program for better drug abuse programs/parenting programs/resources for children. And why should a little old lady who's never used a drug in her life be treated per se as though she does use drugs? Furthermore, this test screens people for drugs one time - when they apply for benefits. How is that protecting children, if applicants can get clean for one test, and then continue to use? This measure, while well-intentioned for all of the points you made in your response, seems scattershot and not effective, given its intention. If we REALLY care about the children, we will actually help the children, rather than demonizing poor people and assuming they are all on drugs.

At August 10, 2011 at 4:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without a mortgage, we could survive on $1,600 a month because we live a simple life. So, after my mortgage is paid off next year, huh, you are starting to give me some thoughts here because I am VERY tired of getting up at 4:30 AM to make what I make. Socialism is beautiful, I must join it ASAP.

At August 10, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Cats with Knives said...

Anonymous, please feel free to move to any socialist country you like. They will take good care of you. Enjoy!

At August 27, 2011 at 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becuase they refuse to work people who are on welfare have in reality abdicated thier humanity. all living creatures in the universe need to exert energy in order to insure thier own survival. except apparantly the welfare recipient. They are wards of the state and in a sane world would be treated as such.

I say at the very least we should take all those people who agree to be taken care of by the sweat of another's brow and put them on reservations in remote areas where the productive members of society who are forced to provide for them dont have to deal with them.
There is nothing sicker then a person with a job who must devise ways to insure his personal safety back and forth to work. A working person mugged by a welfare recipiant is twice victimized. Could you please not molest me sir as i am only on my way to generate the tax revenue for the check you receive. The left talks about equality but what is equal about one man having to work for another mans gain? The way things are set up now is actually a form of slavery, the enslavement of the producers by the slothful.

The inner city real estate that these infantile individuals now inhabit could then be razed and put up for sale and use in the private sector. Imagine the amount of economic activity that could be generated if say Harlem were reclaimed by civilization?

Drug gangs exist because welfare exists. Before he was gunned down the rapper Notorious BIG admitted that as a drug dealer his job was to'take welfare checks from crackheads' The irony of the drug war is that the federal govt actually subsidizes it. Otherwise how could the so called poor be the ones who do the most drugs?

Things that make u go hmmm huh?

At August 28, 2011 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Cats with Knives said...

Anonymous, many people on welfare work. Harlem - I'm not quite sure why you focused on Harlem but we'll go with it - is now considered gentrified. As for your reservation idea, I encourage you to find one where you can live in peace and keep all of the sweat of your brow for yourself. Sounds like you're pretty overwhelmed.

At December 20, 2011 at 10:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

doing drugs is not a disease its a choice, people do not choice to get a disease children do not choice to be born with a disease, but people do choice to smoke that pipe and stick a needle in their arm, no one forced them to ever start they choice to start.

At December 20, 2011 at 3:41 PM , Anonymous Cats with Knives said...

Listen, the world is different for different people. Some people aren't able to resist the lure of drugs and alcohol. Some people aren't able to learn the difference between the words "choice" and "choose." We all have problems.

At September 29, 2012 at 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus can heal your heart and addiction....and your eternity..

At October 1, 2012 at 7:29 PM , Blogger koz said...

Yes, yes, certainly, Jesus can heal your heart and addiction. And in the meantime, Jesus asks you, me, and everyone else to care for those who can't care for themselves. Feed the poor, clothe the needy, free the prisoners. Jesus never said, "Let the prisoners of addiction rot by themselves in their self-destruction, and by all means, let their children rot alongside them while we say self-serving and, frankly, lazy things that require no effort on our part except for sanctimoniously telling them them what's what." Unless I missed that part of the Bible, in which case, excuse me.

At November 8, 2012 at 6:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question is how many people on welfare are too picky, or too LAZY to find a job. Obama says there are plenty of jobs now. So obviously that means if you can't find one you are being too lazy to look for it, or you are being too picky....I cannot find any reason why I should support the "abusers" of this program who would use the small check they do get to buy booze or smokes, or buy drugs.
Its my hard earned money that I busted my ass to make and share part of it with you?!? The welfare system is a joke and needs fixed or destroyed.

At November 9, 2012 at 7:15 AM , Blogger koz said...

Anonymous, you say, "I cannot find any reason why I should support the 'abusers' of this program." Well, that's mighty Christian of you to simply assume that EVERYONE on welfare is an abuser or lazy. Best wishes, you horrible misanthrope.

At February 8, 2013 at 11:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or they could die. Cull the herd. Survival of the fittest. Work or die. Aesop's grasshopper and ant fable.

At February 9, 2013 at 10:57 AM , Blogger koz said...

Again, Anonymous, wishing death on someone...not the most Christian behavior. Best wishes, and enjoy living with the ants.

At February 12, 2013 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cats- I am baffled by your comparison of someone who is working and in all liklihood already gets drug tested for their employment and subsequent insurance, and a qwelfare recepient who collects checks and is not drug tested. I would be glad to be tested by the goverment if it meant I received money I did not work for. If that is the simplest of the requirements in order to get goverment funding that easily exceeds the $16,800 that koz thinks it is, then please, sign me up. But please add the $1200 per year for the goverment cell phone; Section 8 housing that adds another $7000 to $10,000; Child Care assistance that adds another $3000 to the tab. So the reality is that the actual figure nears $30k per year.

At February 12, 2013 at 10:58 PM , Blogger koz said...

Anonymous, I appreciate your comment. I find your numbers somewhat facile, but I understand your spirit. However, the point of my blog post is this: just as I would find it unfair if you were forced to receive a drug test solely because you are a republican or a gun owner or a male or anything else that you might be, I find it unfair that welfare recipients must receive a drug test simply because they are poor. YOU receive a drug test in order to ensure that you are able to perform the functions of your job, not because, like with welfare recipients, that you are assumed to be a lazy, shiftless wastrel. I hope you see the difference, I really do. Best wishes.


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